News from San Antonio Church – April 12, 2020

Contributed by Terrie Evans

Buona Pasqua!  On this Easter Sunday, we commemorate the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead.  In the New Testament this was described as having occurred on the third day after His burial and Crucifixion and after the 40-day period of fasting, prayer and penance during Lent.  In Western Christianity with the Gregorian Calendar instituted by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582, Easter always falls on a Sunday Between March 22nd and April 25th  it states that the Resurrection of Jesus is one of the chief tenets of the Christian Faith and establishes Jesus as The Son of God and that God will righteously judge the world.  It shows those who choose to follow Jesus will receive “A new birth into a living hope through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead”.  It states they will be spiritually resurrected with Him so that they may walk in a new way of life and receive eternal salvation to being physically resurrected to also dwell in the Kingdom of Heaven.  

In Western Christianity, the Easter Season begins on Easter Sunday and lasts seven weeks, ending on the 50th day (Pentecost Sunday, May 31st).  The week which begins on Easter Sunday is referred to as Bright Week during which there is no fasting, even on Wednesday and Friday.  In Eastern Christianity, their season of Pascha begins on Easter Sunday and ends on the 40th day on the Feast of the Ascension (May 24th).  The Liturgical season of Easter is also linked to the Jewish Passover (April 9-16) by symbolism and its position in the calendar.  Those first Christians, Jewish and Gentiles were aware of the Hebrew calendar and the Jewish Christians then timed the observance of Passover to relate to the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.  

In many European languages, the feast is called by the words for Passover and in the older English versions of the Bible, Easter was the term used to translate Passover.  Easter is linked to Passover from the Exodus from Egypt that is recorded in the Old Testament and from the Last Supper, the sufferings and the Crucifixion of Jesus that preceded the Resurrection.  It is recorded in the New Testament, Jesus giving the Passover Meal a new meaning, as he held the last Supper in the upper room.  He was then preparing himself and his disciples for his death with the matzah and cup of wine referring to his body that would be sacrificed and his blood that would be shed.  In the early Christian community of Mesopotamia, chicken eggs would be stained red in memory of the blood of Christ that was shed at his Crucifixion and for many Christians, the Easter Egg is a symbol of an empty tomb. 

Easter eggs are a popular symbol throughout the world and in Poland and other Slavic countries, a batik-like decorating process, pisanka is used to produce intricate brilliantly colored eggs.  From 1885 to 1916, the well-known House of Faberge created exquisite jeweled Easter eggs for the Russian Imperial Family.  They were made for the Russian Tsars Alexander III and Nicholas II as Easter gifts for their wives and mothers.  There were 69 created with 57 surviving with details and links for more interesting facts on each of the Faberge Eggs Research Site  or Wikipedia article on the eggs at .

News from San Antonio Church – April 5, 2020

Contributed by Terrie Evans

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Contributed by Terrie Evans

We send our condolences to Rosemary Moore and her family members on the passing of their patriarch, Don Moore on Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at the age of 88.  Don was a member of San Antonio Church for many decades and a generous supporter for all our many events throughout the years. In the early years of our Church, Don was an Altar Server who came from an original Little Italy and San Antonio family.  He proudly served in the Korean War (1950-1953) in the Marines in the Communications Field.  Don was an Officer with the Men’s Society and one of the 4 Committee Members for the celebration of the Golden Jubilee   held on October 8, 1972 at the hall of Mirrors Netherland-Hilton.  He also worked the fish fry’s, Monte Carlo Nights, Mother’s Day Banquets, Spaghetti Dinners and the Tuesday Lunch on the House.  Everyone at San Antonio has missed seeing Rosemary and Don at our Sunday Mass and we send our prayers to their children Barb, Donnie, Carol, Paul and Gary, their spouses, Don’s 10 Grandchildren and 2 great Grandchildren.  Don also leaves his sister, Rosemary and brother, Frank. 

On this Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, the Station Church in Rome will be St. John Lateran (Part 2).  Built by Emperor Constantine the 1500-year-old Church was dedicated in 320.  Before this magnificent church was erected, Christians met in 25 ordinary homes or small buildings throughout Rome for worship.  St. John Lateran holds 10,000 with the inscription above the entrance inviting all to “The Mother of Churches”.  During Holy Week, the Minor Basilica Santa Prassede is the Station Church for Holy Monday.  It was completed in 822 and is located near the Papal Basilica of St. Mary Major.  The Basilica provided the inspiration for Robert Browning’s 1845 poem, “The Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxeds Church”. 

On Holy Tuesday, the Station Church named by Pope Francis is Santa Prisca. A titular church for Cardinal Priests.  It is named for the 1st Century Martyr whose relics are contained in a crypt there.  On Wednesday within the Octave of Easter, the Station Church is Saint Mary Major Part (2).  For 16 Centuries this Basilica while keeping the original structure, is the Marian Shrine that has welcomed pilgrims from all over the world.  Every August 5th, the celebration of the “Miracle of the Snows” takes place with white petals cascading from above.  On Thursday withing the Octave of Easter, Saint John Lateran (Part 3) the Cathedral of the Diocesan of Rome is the Station Church.  In this area of the Cathedral are the niches where the sculptures of the 12 Apostles completed between 1705-1718 are located.  Near St. John Lateran are the Holy Stairs (Scala Sancta) the 28 marble stairs that are believed to be the stairs that Jesus ascended for His interrogation.  They were brought from Pilates praetorium in Jerusalem to Rome around 326 A.D. by Empress St. Helena, mother of Roman Emperor Constantine I. 

On Good Friday, within the Octave of Easter, Santa Croce in Gerusalemme (Part 2) or the Basilica di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, is the Station Church on the Day commemorating the passion and death of Christ for the salvation of the world.  One of the Seven Pilgrim Churches of Rome, this Basilica was consecrated in 325 to house the relics of the Passion of Jesus Christ brought from the Holy Land to Rome by St. Helena.  During that time in the Basilica’s history, the floor was covered with soil from Jerusalem as a reference that a “piece” of Jerusalem was moved to Rome for its foundation.  The altar displays a huge statue of St. Helena and in 1601, artist Peter Paul Rubens completed St. Helena with the True Cross and the Mocking of Christ for the Chapel of St. Helena.  There are frescoes telling the Legend of the True Cross and the Basilica contains several famous relics such as two thorns of the Crown of Thorns, part of a nail, the index finger of St. Thomas and three small wooden pieces of the True Cross.  On Good Friday, many will climb the steps at Holy Cross Immaculata in Mt. Adams as a yearly tradition.  People have prayed the 85 steps with their family and friends for many years.

News from San Antonio Church – March 29, 2020

Contributed by Terrie Evans

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Our Saturday, March 7th Annual Pizza Party will go down in the history of San Antonio Church as another huge success.  The ticket sales for 2020 surpassed those from last year and we more than doubled our carry out orders from 2019.  We had 144 presale tickets for dine in and all our guests were delighted with the variety of pizzas ready for their families and friends to enjoy.  Our workers have done a fantastic job selling tickets and handling the many different tasks required for this event to run smoothly; please know everyone at San Antonio really appreciates all your efforts.  We cannot thank Buddy, Mike and Mark LaRosa enough for their generous donation of all the items needed.  They have always supplied us with all the ingredients for kitchen staff to get the pizzas baked and ready to serve our dine ins and pickup orders.  They graciously delivered olive oil, the doughs, cheese, the sauce, and all the meat toppings and Mark LaRosa even made a special trip to the Hall to check on our amounts so we wouldn’t run out of cheese.  All the parishioners at San Antonio Church know we could not have done this event without the LaRosa’s and we will never forget all the kindnesses you have bestowed on our little mission church over the years.  Because of their thoughtfulness, the kitchen crew was able to bake the remaining 11 pizzas for our Tuesday, March 10th Lunch on the House.   

Our Split the Pot winner was  Dave Dalessandro (son of Connie and Ron) who won the $345.00 Prize and in an unexpected act to pay it forward, returned the prize money  for our next big church building repair, “The Ring the Bell Fundraiser”.  This would go to fix of our church bells that are located in Bell Tower that was dedicated in 1954 by the new Bishop, Clarence Issenmann.  Again, we thank everyone who supported this and our many fundraisers over the years, we are successful because of YOU!  Our next event will be the Palm Sunday Bake Sale on Sunday, April 5th.  Please check the signup sheets in the Hall to volunteer.

On this 5th week of Lent the Station Church visited today will be St. Peters Basilica (Part 2) known for its solid bronze altar, the Baldachin that took 11 years to build.  Construction began in 1506 and took 120 years to complete with the new Basilica built around the old one and over the tomb of St. Peter, 23 feet below the marble floor.  On Monday, the Station Church will be San Crisogono, dedicated to the Martyr, St. Chrysogonos.  For many centuries, San Crisogono was the National Church of the Sardinians and Corsicans who resided in Rome.  On Tuesday, the Station Church will be Santa Maria in Via Lata, known as the 1st Christian place of worship.  The 5th century chapel and welfare center are now located under the present church and it is thought St. Paul spent 2 years here under house arrest while waiting for his trial.  The Station Church on Wednesday is San Marcello, administered and owned by the Servite Order since 1369.  Thursday’s Station Church is San Apollinare, dedicated in the 7th century to the 1st Bishop of Ravenna.  It is always the Station Church for the Thursday of the 5th week of Lent.  The Station Church for Friday is San Stefano, the ancient Basilica that is Hungary’s National Church in Rome. In 1454, Pope Nicholas V entrusted the Church to the Pauline Fathers, the only Catholic Order founded by Hungarians.  On Saturday, San Giovanni a Porta Latina or “St. John Before the Latin Gate” is the Station Church.   Construction was during the reign of Pope Gelasus (492-496) when the imprint of a taxation stamp was affixed on buildings at that time.  The imprint was used on the roof tiles and found many centuries later with one of those ancient roof tiles is now used as a lectern.           

News from San Antonio Church March 21 & 22, 2020

Contributed by Terrie Evans

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On March 22nd, we honor the 4th Sunday of Lent with Laetare or Rejoice Sunday which falls 21 days before Easter Sunday.  In Rome, this day is called Dominica de Rose for the Golden Rose sent by Popes to Catholic Sovereigns which dates to the 11th Century.  On Laetare Sunday, the Station Church visited on this Sunday by Pope Francis will be Santa Croce in Gerusalemme (Basilica of the Holy Cross) one of 7 Pilgrim Churches of Rome that was consecrated in 325 with relics of the Passion of the Christ. 

The other Station Churches for the week of March 23-28 are for Monday:  Santi Quattro Coronati (Dedicated to the Four Holy Crowned Ones-Martyrs),Tuesday:  San Lorenzo in Damaso (once the site of a pagan temple dedicated to St. Lawrence), Wednesday:  St. Paul Outside the Walls (Founded by Emperor Constantine over the burial place of St. Paul.  It is an ancient Basilica owned by the Holy See), Thursday:  Santi Silvestro e Martino ai Monti (St. Martin in the Mountains where in 324 a meeting regarding the Council of Nicea was held ), Friday:  San Eusebio (Dedicated to 4th Century Martyrs) and on Saturday, San Nicola in Carcere (St. Nicholas in Prison, dedicated by the Greek population in the area around the 11th Century, one of the Traditional Station Churches of Lent that holds special celebrations to the Madonna, Our Lady of Pompei and Our Lady of Guadalupe). 

Laetare or Refresh Sunday is considered a day of hope and joy with Easter getting closer while allowing Rose colored vestments to be used, flowers being placed on the Altar and weddings may be performed on this day.  In England it is also called “Mothering” Sunday from a time when servants were released from service on this day to visit their Mother’s. 

On Laetare Sunday, the University of Notre Dame will announce the recipient of the Laetare Medal, the oldest and most prestigious award for American Catholics.  In Notre Dame’s history, it was the founder of the University, Fr. Edwin Sorin, C.S.C. who suggested that such an award be given.  First awarded in 1883, to John Gilmary Shea and historian of the Catholic Church in the United States, the medal is an external award which can be given to a person outside of Notre Dame. This award was conceived as a version of the papal Award, the Golden Rose.  The Medal has the Latin inscription “Magna est veritas et praevalebit” which means, “Truth is mighty, and it shall prevail”.  A committee will take names of potential recipients from the faculty and staff at the University of Notre Dame and will then select two or three candidates which will then be voted on by the Officers of the University. 

A candidate for the award must be a practicing American Catholic who has made a distinctly Catholic contribution in his or her profession or intellectual life.  The past recipients of the Laetare Medal have come from a variety of fields including Cardinals, Philanthropists, Ambassadors, Authors, Opera Singers, Senators, Doctors, Generals and a U. S. President.  The 2020 winner will be awarded at the 175th Commencement Ceremonies at the University on May 17th.  The commencement speaker will be Patriarch Bartholomew, the 270th Orthodox Archbishop of Constantinople who is known as the “Green Patriarch” promoting the causes for the protection of the environment, human rights and religious freedom.